Sugimoto Shiitake Umami Powder

Sugimoto Shiitake Umami Powder

Shiitake Umami Powder
Shiitake Umami Powder
Shiitake Umami Powder
Shiitake Umami Powder
Shiitake Umami Powder
Shiitake Umami Powder


100% natural forest-grown shiitake powder that is processed in our factory. 40 GM Forest Grown Japanese Shiitake Powder has a larger coarse grain to add a
deeper flavor and a finer grain to add flavor quickly. This powder trigger a harmony of natural favors and widely recommended by Japan’s most famous cooking school and Hattori Nutrition College. Forest Grown Japanese Shiitake Powder usually creates
“Guanylate,” which boosts the Umami taste of any foods. For bring out the taste of this powder, add a little water to it and wait for 10 minutes.

 100% natural forest-grown shiitake powder that is processed in our factory. 40 GM Forest Grown Japanese Shiitake Powder has a larger coarse grain to add adeeper flavor and a finer grain to add flavor quickly. This powder trigger a harmony of natural favors and widely recommended by Japan’s most famous cooking school and Hattori Nutrition College. Forest Grown Japanese Shiitake Powder usually creates
“Guanylate,” which boosts the Umami taste of any foods. For bring out the taste of this powder, add a little water to it and wait for 10 minutes.